PLEASE don't tape it!
Questions or Problems contact us at: Ph.: 330-540-7223 or email brad@race-1.com

This is an old topic for us but due to a constant reappearing of this issue, we would like to revisit this VERY IMPORTANT subject.
So, please!
We are constantly finding Teflon tape in the fuel circuits of carburetors.
Any debris in the fuel circuit can cause detrimental problems. Teflon tape easily breaks free from fittings and becomes lodged in critical areas. Many times, sealers are used incorrectly.
Only PIPE fittings require a thread sealant; and when PIPE fittings are used in the fuel system of a race car, we highly recommend using a thread sealing paste and NOT tape.
Pipe fittings that have been overtightened to the point of stretching the female threads or collapsing the male threads should be replaced—not repaired with a thread tape.
Flare style (A-N) fittings should be properly LUBRICATED and inspected for cracks and defects as a maintenance item to prevent leaks.
A-N (flare) style fittings do NOT use any type of thread sealer.
If a flare style fitting leaks—it needs replaced.
Carburetor inlet fittings typically use a gasket.
Again, NO tape or sealant should be used on A-N (flare) style fittings or carburetor inlets.